By chairman on Tuesday, 15 June 2021
Category: News

THE PPP/C government’s recent announcement to correct the historical falsification of the death of revolutionary intellectual Walter Rodney

THE PPP/C government’s recent announcement to correct the historical falsification of the death of revolutionary intellectual Walter Rodney is an extraordinary step in ensuring that Rodney’s contributions to the struggle to remove the Burnhamite dictatorship lives in the conciousness of future generations.

The old saying that one’s man revolutionary is another’s terrorist holds true in reference to Walter. He definitely drove terror into the hearts and minds of Burnham’s PNC dictatorship.
They were mortally afraid of his message of demystifying the racial and class contradictions that were leading to a mass, multi-racial movement threatening the very existence of the Burnhamite dictatorship.

This is the reason for the PNC to deliberately degenerate the status of Rodney by stating that he was unemployed and died due to misadventure. Stating the true nature of Walter’s death by assassination and recognising his prodigious scholarship is due homage to a great patriot.
Correcting the historical misinformation ensures that Walter lives.